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Showing posts from 2013

sustainbility tour of Melton library this Saturday

This coming Saturday (26 October '13) the Melton Sustainable Living Group are having a bumper meeting - first a tour of the sustainability features of Melton's new library, then a workshop to plan our future events! We will kick off at 10am with the sustainability features tour, run by Kellie from Melton City Council. After some morning tea, we will then get into planning our future events. We welcome your enthusiasm, ideas and offers, including joint activities with other local groups. If you would like to join the group, please email Patrick (our secretary) at

Outcome of AGM

We had a great turn out for the Group AGM yesterday at Kim & Gavin's place. A huge vote of thanks was given to them and David for their work over the past few years, along with Stacey and Michael (the 2012/13 committee's ordinary members). Gavin, Kim and their family are taking a break from the group for the next year, but we hope to see them at an activity in the near future. We elected a new committee for 2013/14: Stacey W (president), Jan M (Treasurer), Patrick Mc (Secretary), Jonathan C and Mandie M (ordinary members). The committee have their first meeting next weekend, and will soon be in contact with members to arrange the new calendar of activities. If you have any questions, feel free to email the group or leave us a comment below.

MSLG 2013 AGM - Sat 27 July, 2pm

Hi Members and friends,   Based on a survey of members, we have chosen Saturday 27 July at 2pm to hold the AGM for the Melton Sustainable Living Group.   We are delighted that nearly all members are continuing with the group, and that we have nominations for all committee positions in 2013/14 (more nominations are still welcome).   We will be sending the nominations list shortly, along with some other information. If you have any questions, just leave a comment or send us an email.    

Current Meeting Information

"It doesn't cost the Earth to be green."   The members of Melton Sustainable Living Group believe in changing the world by thinking globally, but by acting locally. The MSLG brings sustainable living to Melton Shire ensuring a cleaner, greener and more resilient community for all. The MSLG meets once a month, every 3 rd Saturday, to exchange ideas, harvests, produce, and discuss sustainable living projects. The group provides practical knowledge and experience via workshops, about how to lower personal emissions, energy efficiency, growing your own food garden, renewable energy, frugal living, soap making, preserving food, composting, worm-farming, rainwater harvesting and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle). In addition to monthly meetings, public presentation or workshop nights are held mid month on a Wednesday, to educate members and friends about current environmental issues facing our society.  Details can be found in the Melto...