Welcome to the web presence of the Melton Sustainable Living Group. We are a newly formed group in the shire of Melton, Victoria, Australia, who care about our local community. Here are our vision and mission statements.
The members of Melton Sustainable Living Group believe in changing the world by thinking globally, but by acting locally. MSLG will bring sustainable living to Melton ensuring a cleaner, greener and more resilient community for all.
MSLG will foster positive change by serving the community with communication and education of sustainable living methods in an urban and suburban environment. MSLG will provide practical knowledge about how to lower personal emissions, energy efficiency,
growing your own food garden, renewable energy, frugal living, rainwater harvesting and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle).
In essence this is a process of relocalising all essential elements that our community needs to sustain itself and thrive. It builds local resilience in the face of the potentially damaging effects of Peak Oil while reducing the community's carbon footprint. In this way,
we can address both Peak Oil and Climate Change.
Contact us at MeltonSustainableLivingGroup (at) gmail.com or leave a comment via this website.
Gavin I am so proud of you!